
Allow guests to automatically access the Wi-Fi network through
the Passpoint™ protocol by WiFi Alliance™.

Lumen Passpoint

Authentication through Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint™ Secure Profile

Authentication through the Passpoint™ protocol of Wi-Fi Alliance™ allows for the authentication of Wi-Fi network users with remote registration, without going through a local Captive Portal. Passpoint ensures automatic detection of the Wi-Fi network and secure and transparent access for the user.

Offer an agile and secure Wi-Fi experience.

Registration is performed only once and provides the user with maximum security as the Passpoint protocol provides a WPA2/WPA3 encrypted connection.

Make the most of a quick and automatic registration process

The user registration process occurs through the sending of a link (via email, SMS, QR Code, etc.) through which the user installs on their own device the profile that will ensure their fully automatic recognition once they reach the location.

Make the most of Passpoint™ potential in the corporate and event fields

Due to its features, authentication through Passpoint™ is the ideal tool for WiFi access in the corporate or event fields. In this sense, the user can alternatively receive an invitation to create their own profile through a notification on the company or specific event's Mobile App.

Automatically connect to secure Wi-Fi networks. No login, no app, no hassle.

Ricevi il link per creare un tuo profilo Wi-Fi sicuro

Receive the link to create your secure Wi-Fi profile.

Scarica ed installa il certificato Passpoint™

Download and install the Passpoint™ profile.

Accedi in automatico alla rete Wi-Fi

Automatically access the Wi-Fi network.