
Security of navigation guaranteed by LUMEN Security
with centralized module and customizable filtering system
con il modulo Centralized Safe Navigation Engine e il
sistema di filtraggio personalizzabile

Lumen WiFi Security
Elevata protezione della navigazione con il modulo CSNE

The security of navigation is entrusted to LUMEN's Centralized Safe Navigation

Engine module, which filters inappropriate content and ensures the security of each user's connection.
LUMEN Security analyzes the services and applications used by users connected to the Wi-Fi network and implements the ethical and security policies required by our clients.

Sistema di filtraggio personalizzabile di siti e servizi basato su server DNS proprietari

Customizable filtering system for sites and services based on proprietary DNS servers

LUMEN Security uses proprietary DNS servers to provide a customizable filtering service for sites and services.
The Security module is based on lists updated daily and stored in its own cloud.
Clients can choose which categories of sites and services to filter, and can also manually add individual domains.

Elevata sicurezza nella ricerca online con LUMEN Security: attivazione del safe-search mode per i principali motori di ricerca

High security in online searching: activation of safe-search mode for major search engines

LUMEN Security also offers the possibility of forcing the use of search engines (Google, Youtube, Bing, Duck Duck Go) in safe-search mode, allowing the user to avoid searching for inappropriate content.