
Benefits of using LUMEN, an advanced Wi-Fi network in the retail sector

Accesso immediato e integrazione con altri servizi Wi-Fi federati per i cittadini registrati

Immediate access and integration with other federated Wi-Fi services for registered citizens.

Simple and secure Wi-Fi access with filtering of inappropriate content and management of the connection security of each citizen. The system recognizes all citizens who have registered at least once with the municipal service or any other federated territorial service (WiFi4EU, WiFi Italy, etc.)

Identity provider principali e autenticazione avanzata: Wi-Fi condiviso anche con turisti internazionali

Main identity providers and advanced authentication: Shared Wi-Fi also with international tourists

Authentication is managed through the most modern recognition systems and by referring to the main identity providers (SPID, OpenRoaming, etc.), allowing a natural opening to share Wi-Fi access with international tourists.

Analisi dettagliata dell’utilizzo della piattaforma in conformità al GDPR

Detailed analysis of platform usage in compliance with GDPR

The platform provides detailed usage statistics for any analysis on a single or aggregated area.

Citizens' personal data is collected in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR).

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